August 11, 2014

Weekly Menu || Number Seventeen {Summer Edition}

My weekly menu, number seventeen ~ Summer edition. 

Up this week - Two MUST MAKE items! Avocado, cilantro, lime sauce/dip/dressing and grilled chicken with peanut noodles and a cucumber sambal. {Both are lick the bowl delicious!}


>> Monday >> 

Mac and Cheese w/ Hot Dogs 
Side: Strawberries
{30 minute meal, warm weather eats}

That's just a plain good dinner right there.


>> Tuesday >>

Quesadilla with avocado cilantro lime dip AMAZING! The Graffitied Gardenia

Side: Avocado Cilantro Lime Dip
{30 minute meal, hot weather eats}

I had something else planned for dinner tonight and was making the dip as a dressing and tasted it and feel in love. You know when you make something for the first time and take that first bite and do a little dance because it's so good, that's exactly what happened. I switched the menu for this to be the star and made cheese quesadillas with sweet mini peppers and jalapeños inside.

I'm having some of my chicks with kids over next week for a play day and I'm making this with Pioneer Women Nachos, can't wait!

Recipe: Skinny Taste . com || Zesty Avocado Cilantro Buttermilk Dressing 
{Changes - I didn't use low-fat buttermilk} 


>> Wednesday >>

Kings Hawaiian, perfect sandwich. The Graffitied Gardenia

Pastrami Sandwiches on Kings Hawaiian Sweet Bread {rolls}
Side: Green Salad and Grapes 
{30 minute meal, hot weather eats}

Kings Hawaiian is just the best, one day I'll do a post on everything I like to make with them. Tonight we had sandwiches with pastrami, pepper jack cheese, and a homemade sesame dressing.


>> Thursday >>

Leftover Clear Out 
{30 minute meal, hot weather eats}

Anything that needs to be eaten from the week comes out and everyone creates their own meal with those items. If we don't have any leftovers, then we make something from pantry/fridge staples.


>> Friday >>

Grilled chicken with peanut noodles and a cucumber sambal. The Graffitied Gardenia

Grilled Chicken w/ Peanut Noodles
Side: Cucumber Sambal 
{hot weather eats}

Open and restaurant and serve this! Oh my goodness, for the love of everything that is delicious, heaven in a bowl. Shall I continue, it is amazing! It's graduated to my "regular" menu items to make list. {I hope you love it as much as I do} Pretty much if you love peanut butter, spicy, noodles, and a fresh crispy cucumber you'll enjoy this.

Recipe: Mel's Kitchen Cafe || Grilled Asian Chicken with Cucumber Sambal
{Changes - I sliced my chicken into strips and made about half the chicken and noodles (only 2 of us) but made the whole recipe of marinate, sambal, and peanut sauce (see how saucy mine is, I like it like that)! I didn't add any cilantro to the sauce, the man is not a huge fan, instead I added fresh to the top of mine {from my garden of course}. Highly recommend!) 

{Friday is usually Date Night, but we're saving our $20 for State Fair!!!} 

>> Sunday >>

Homemade Beef Tacos
Side: Black Beans
{30 minute meal, warm weather eats}

A house regular

Recipe: American's Test Kitchen || Beef Tacos 


>> Sweet >>

No sweet planned this week, we went to the State Fair! 


What's one of your families menu staples? Please post recipe link in the comments!

{you are beautiful and wonderfully made}


<< other posts you might enjoy >>

How to create a Meal Plan || Part One 

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