This is part one of a three part series on how to create a
{weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly} meal plan.

Have you ever gone grocery shopping the beginning of the month bought a whole cart full of stuff, checked out and it's a shocking $150, then you get home and don't even know what you bought or what you're going to have for dinner. Then later in the week, you run out of toilet paper run into Target for JUST ONE THING, check out $75 later...oh, did you even remember the toilet paper? Now it's Friday you're stressing at work wondering what to make for dinner, search Pinterest and find something that sounds oh so delicious, just need to stop at the grocery store to pick up a few items, $50 later you have everything for dinner. Now it's the following week, you realize you've already spent $275 on...what really? You spend 15 minutes looking in your fridge, freezer, and fridge again; they are packed, but you still have nothing to make, you throw out the moldy.......something, while you're looking. Then wonder why you never finished those delicious leftovers you made last Friday night and now they are bad too, throw that away. In the zone, you spend another 20 minutes cleaning out the fridge throwing out half a garbage can worth of stuff. This is so annoying! Let's just order pizza, but we don't have any money until payday...whatever just charge it. Oh, and don't forget a side of wings and bread sticks!
Sound familiar?