September 23, 2014

Brownie Batter Cupcakes || Sweet Tooth Heaven

I love brownies.
They are amazing.
Brownie Batter Cupcakes, I was intrigued. 
I was not disappointed! 
{Which is always a pleasant surprise when trying a new recipe.}

September 16, 2014

Oven Broiled Parmesan Garden Tomatoes || Yum!

Do you love that crusty toasty parmesan cheese taste? Love tomatoes, warm tomatoes? If yes and yes, these are for you! 

Yesterday somehow I stumbled upon this recipe and it caught my eye, I think it might have been in someone's FB feed, whatever it doesn't matter, I wanted to make them. I checked the ingredients and I had everything, it was added to my dinner plans! 

September 13, 2014

Chicken in a Basket and Hash || Breakfast

I love lazy Saturday mornings. 
I have a big project to complete this weekend, but I let myself have a lazy Saturday morning to start it off. 

For breakfast I made a favorite, chicken in a basket and hash. My mom used to make this for me growing up, I thought she was a genius the first time she made it. 

September 11, 2014

Tutus & Earrings || Silent Auction

I love Silent Auctions! So much fun stuff and you don't have to worry about scratching your nose and bidding on a million dollar painting. 

Teen Challenge is an amazing organization that helps people with addictions overcome and receive a new life. Praise God!! 

>> My donations for the Silent Auction >>

Princess Tutu || Light and dark pink
Who doesn't want a tutu! Some little girl is going to be super excited for this one! 
I made a couple of these for some friends little daughters birthdays now I'm addicted to their cuteness. 

Here's a great YouTube video if you want to make one for yourself or a little princess in your life.  

And of course some earrings! 


Have a lovely rest of your week everyone!

{you are beautiful and wonderfully made}